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Wholesale Australian Clothing


Retailers looking to buy wholesale women’s clothing in Australia are looking for a dress designed or made in Australia. The new trend is to buy women’s clothing designed in Australia like the Claire Powell brand and or women’s clothing made in Australia; all this changed in 2020 with a new direction on countries that care about Australia and countries Australian people will do business with such as India. Australian companies that import women’s clothing now understand that the consumer is rejecting clothing made in countries that refuse Australia and that the consumer is now looking at the women’s clothing labels to see where the women’s clothing has been made or designed as most women only want to buy women’s clothing that is made in countries friendly with Australia. India is one of the best countries to buy clothing from today because India has had hundreds of years of experience developing fabrics combinations of colour designs and beautiful beadwork. India has always had an excellent working clothing industry with Australia, which is well established with Australia.

Many brands of women’s clothing wholesalers now come from India due to the cost of labour and professional talents of the adult tailors, digital printing, which is not available in Australia, the ready availably of the cloth that is manufactured in India and the many talents of the Indian workers in the clothing industry.

Mature women are more discerning today about where their clothing is made and what it is made from; these women care about the country that made their clothing. There has been a significant change in the marketplace in the past 12 months about all imports; people are now asking where was this made? The mature women who care more about what their clothing is made from and where it is made are the age group who is out and about shopping in the boutiques; she is not shopping online as much as the younger teen market. The mature clothing market has changed a lot over the past ten years. These women are more aware of cloth, how to care for their material, and where is the product made. Retailers today need to focus on women’s clothing designed in Australia to fit the Australian woman more than ever before.


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